初一作文初一抒情作文:Summer night sky

  The sky is so beautiful summer! Those stars are so calm, serene, like a little bright eyes, like the glistening silver station lamp, looking at me, according to me, made me lots of fantasy…  
  The white galaxy, lay quietly on the blue of the sky, the bright stars in the galaxy, like countless floating on the navigation lights on the river.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  The white galaxy, lay quietly on the blue of the sky, the bright stars in the galaxy, like countless floating on the navigation lights on the river.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  You see, the galaxy, much like the stars in the galaxy, a youth pre-fly swan, that is 天鹅座 ";" In the southern galaxy star, more like an exalted double clip becomes warped, big scorpion tail, it is the famous "Scorpio;" In the few left galaxy star, more like a delicate big harp, In the Milky Way right, much like a star as the eagle take-off, How much is the cowherd star, as are looking on, we started his vega of cowherd "beautiful". The sky is a fabulous world.  
  The little stars, they all his strength, the intravenous drip light together, though as the sun, the moon is not so brilliant that clear, but the dreamy light also sprinkle on the earth, the earth became a singular of world, cause people desire to explore.  
   Ah, I love the summer sky, because it is so colorful, so beautiful and moving, so rich mystery!

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