初一作文初一叙事作文:Who Made Your Birthday Cake?(翻译)

谁给你做了生日蛋糕?   “Wow! Your cake is beautiful. Who made your birthday cake?” 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  “哇!你的蛋糕真漂亮。谁给你做了生日蛋糕?” 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  The farmer grew the wheat, the chicken laid the eggs, and the cow gave the milk. So I guess they made my cake.   农民种了小麦,鸡生了蛋,牛产了牛奶,我想,是他们为我做了蛋糕。   But the miller turned the wheat into flour. So he made my cake too.   但是磨坊主把小麦磨成了面粉,所以他也参与了做我的蛋糕。   Oh, yes! The truck driver delivered the flour, eggs, and milk to the store. So he helped as well.   噢,是呀!卡车司机把面粉、鸡蛋和牛奶运送到商店,应该说他同样帮了忙。   Of course, the storekeeper sold the flour, eggs, and milk to my mother. So he also made my cake.   零售商卖给我妈妈面粉、鸡蛋和牛奶,他当然也参与了。   My mother brought home the flour, eggs, and milk. So my mother helped too.   我妈妈把面粉、鸡蛋和牛奶带回了家,功劳也有妈妈一份。   Then, my grandmother took everything and put them into a bowl. She mixed everything together. So she really helped make my cake.   随后,我奶奶把每样东西都放进一个碗里,把它们一起搅匀,所以,奶奶也帮我做了蛋糕。   My sister put the cake mix into the oven. Then after 30 minutes, she took it out. So she helped make my cake too.   我姐姐把搅匀的蛋糕料放进烤箱里,等了30分钟,她把蛋糕拿出来了,她肯定是帮忙啦。   Then, I put the icing on the cake. So I also helped a lot.   最后,我把糖衣涂在蛋糕上,我也算做了一些事。   “Wow! It took a lot of people to make your birthday cake. I will help too. I’ll put the candles on.”   “哇!那么多人帮助你做生日蛋糕。我也会帮你的,我会把蜡烛插上去的。”

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