初一作文初一叙事作文:My vacation

Last day,I arrived ShangHai.The city was so big and that me feel surprised.I saw many cars.They were colorful and beautiful.Well,the weather was pretty hot.    At fast,I visited Shanghai Science Museum.The museum was very big,too.On the first floor(在一楼),I saw a lots of animal specimens(动物标本).They look like prtty good.The lions were scary.The monkeys were smart.And the rabbits were clever.But my favorite animals were sheeps,because they were quiet.And I took many photos,there.   Then,I visited Children’s Science land.I knew more things about earth from there.And I joined adventures of an earthquake(地震历险)。It was dangerous but exciting.Next,I joined ecological disaster(生态灾变).When earth (地球)was very nice.It had many beautiful trees and animals.But now,there are only a little trees.Many animals are not there.Why is it so?Oh,because many years ago,people were Tree-felling(伐树). “We have to Protection of the environment!”(保护环境)The staff(工作人员) said.    After that,I went to the 2 floor.I saw many robots(机器人).Some robots were small and smart,others were big but also clever.I saw 2 robots can play chess with kids.A robot can dance and sing.I thought the robots were interesting. Later,I saw the spiders(蜘蛛).There were many different spiders.Some spiders were very big and scary.I can’t stand them.But I liked that small sprider.I thought is was really good-looking.All people liked it.   Next,I visited Space Navigation.There were some model.They were big and magical.I was happy to see them.    In the afternoon,I went to ChengHuang temple.It not a temple.There were many restaurants and shops.We bought some things,there.They were expensive.And the shops were too crowded,so I didn’t enjoy them.Then,I ate a blow of beef and temato noodles.It was really delitious.   Well,there were too many Americans.Some had blonde curly hair,some had white straight hair.I thought they were good-looking.And they spoke English Well.Some Americans can spoke Chinese like a Chinese.I hoped I can speak English well like them.     I thought it was good vacation,because ShangHai was really good.I hoped I can go to ShangHai next vacation.

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