初一作文初一写人作文:I is a girl

Hello,every one ! My name is sonwy,I am a student .I'm a Middle school student.I vere short,but I wouldn't worry about it.I Often smile,because smile is the best mood.    I have a  happy family.Many  people in my home . My grandparents very nice. They very love me.I have respect for their.My grandparents have two son, only a  daughter. That is I have two uncles .My consin is 5 years old,he is  lively . And I have two brothers. little brother is  3 years old. He is  interesting ,I like him very much.I love my big home!  小荷作文网 www.zww.cn   I have a  beautiful room . In my room, and a bed, a bookcase, a desk. A computer on the desk, there beside my English book. Many of my books in bookshelf, a plant near the bookshelf. I hang your hat on the door. Bed with blue pillows and blankets. Wallpaper is blue, top still have several pictures. My room beautiful? 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn   I have a  great  sports  collection. I have 3 tennis  rackets, 4 soccer balls,8 basketballs and  many  ping-pong balls.I don't  like  play  sports,I watch them on  TV .    I like eating apples. Three meals per day I eat  very healthy. At the  breakfast, I  usually eat some eggs, porridge and apples. For lunch, I eat, fish and some pork. For dinner, I'll eat better, I'll eat, chicken, broccoli, tomatoes and some soup. I eat ice cream for dessert. Before sleeping, I also eat an apple or drink a glass of milk.    If you want to make friends with me, it is happy also arise, in your happiness will feel my existence.    Let's together happy yell!

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