初一作文初一小说作文:The endless nightmare(1)

  ——Teenagers are disappearing strangely in their sleep.No one knows how and why. But where ever they went, can they still make it back out? Read this and find out!       小荷作文网 www.zww.cn “Hey! Ryan.” Melissa called to her brother on their way to school. “You’re not goanna believe this. I’ve got the most shocking news!”   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn Melissa was 14 at the moment, two years younger than her brother. Melissa is not a fashionable girl, but it doesn’t mean that she isn’t pretty. She has got curly blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She is a quite natural girl who never wears makeup. She takes everything very seriously and she never seems to break any rules. She is someone who Ryan would call ‘Miss. Goody’ and she admits that. Different from Melissa, Ryan is a very cool guy. But he always gets Cs in his grades. Well, we can’t blame him for that, that’s how boys are at this age.   Melissa has to do what a ‘Miss.Goody’does. She has a habit of buying the newspaper in the morning, and reads it along the way. When she gets to the breaking news part, Ryan would be the first one to share it with her (Or maybe the opposite) the only thing Melissa don’t know is that Ryan never appreciated this. Ryan is only interested in new premiere films or new coming computer games. “But you will be interested this time.” Melissa thought to her self, she couldn’t help herself to be giddy, and for once in her life she could actually make her brother notice her existence.   Ryan doesn’t give a damn to anything. But he didn’t want to hurt his sister’s feelings. It’s not that he is afraid to be told on to his parents; it’s that he really loves her very much. As we know, Ryan has a very strong personality; he doesn’t like to be told what to do. He likes to make up his own mind. I don’t think such a stubborn person would be afraid of his parents.   A warm smile spread on his handsome face, “What is it? Sis.” He asked tardily. She passed the ‘Sun times’ to Ryan. The title in scarlet ‘TEENAGERS DISAPPEARS STRANGELY IN THEIR SLEEP’ got to his view. And it reads as follows:   ‘Fourteen teenagers disappeared with in just three nights. They couldn’t have ran away from home together cus they don’t even recognize each other and they couldn’t be kidnapped cus the their parents didn’t receive any blackmailing phone calls. All of them disappeared strangely in their sleep, no one knows how and why. But our secret detectives are working hard on the case. Meanwhile we should remind everyone to shut all the windows and doors just in case anything happens. Here is a list of people who disappeared: Tom, Hale, Ella, Elise, Nelly, Dan, Lizzy, Ellen, Steve, Sandy, Ned, Isabel, Gabi and Henrik. If you happen to know or seen one of them, please contact with us. We will also look deeper into this matter, hopefully things with come out the way we want it to be. If you are interested, you may as well help us solve the problem. Waiting to hear favorably from you. We will represent their parents to thank you. ——Sun times’   Melissa was right about this. Ryan was interested, in fact, very interested.   “Gosh. That certainly sounds shocking!” Ryan cried   Silence fell between the two teenagers.   A sort of fear rushed into their minds.   “I’ve got to do something,” Melissa thought, “or something bad will happen.”   Ryan doesn’t know what to do; he was drowned in his own fear. But they both know by their hearts: Something is going very wrong……      We’ve got to do something……Before it got totally out of control……                   To be continued。。。。。。(未完待续)    

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