
 I am in the yard and found a bunch of ants.  
 I seriously for a moment, this group of Ant-legged over more than 10, crude are after they have all the same, a close look at the color and size are also differentiated. Them: this army was moving? or go traveling? I'm marching along their direction and looked curiously, Oh! I see they collectively set out destinations--dozens of metres next to small bread. Wow plug! seems Ant were today some busy has, heaven really of off pie has! Ant were surrounded has this block bread, but I does not believe they really can lift was dynamic, because this a small block bread for this group Ant for, really like is a seat small hill! has several Ant drill to has bread following, bread Enron does not dynamic; and drilling to several, bread seems dynamic has about; left of several Ant around bread go has a ring, have found quasi location also drill has went in, Gee! too bar has! bread block has really of was they lift has up! Ant was not seen in the above, just bread blocks seem to have longer legs, swing forward. Oh! great Ant, I cheered for you!   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
 我在院子里,发现了一群蚂蚁。   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
 我认真数了一下,这群蚂蚁足有10多只,粗看上它们长得都一样,仔细看颜色和大小还 是有区别的。它们这支集团军是要搬家呢?还是出门旅游?我好奇地顺着他们行进的方向看去,哦!我看到了他们集体出动的目的地——旁边的几十米处的一小块面包。哇塞!看来蚂蚁们今天有的忙了,天上真的掉馅饼了!蚂蚁们包围了这块面包,但我不相信它们真能抬得动,因为这一小块面包对于这群蚂蚁来说,真像是一座小山包!有几只蚂蚁钻到了面包下面,面包安然不动;又钻进去几只,面包好像动了一下;剩下的几只蚂蚁围着面包转了一圈,纷纷找准位置也钻了进去,哎呀!太棒了!面包块竟然真的被它们抬了起来!在上面看不到蚂蚁,只看到面包块好像长了腿,晃晃悠悠地向前移动着。啊!伟大的小蚂蚁,我为你们喝彩!

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