
壹___>>>>> 拓辉君(Simon) 小荷作文网 www.zww.cnDear Simon: 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  It was very sweet of you to remember my birthday. The embroidered table cloth you sent me is beautiful. It looks very nice on my small table. I’ve been showing it to my friends and everybody says it’s lovely.   Tank you very much for your kindness. With love from.                      Your friends,                       Maria(佐藤) 贰___>>>>> 高桥君(Perth) Dear Perth:    I was so sorry to learn from your letter that you’re in hospital. I hope it’s nothing serious and you’ll soon be well again.    Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.                      Your friends,                       Maria(佐藤) 叁___>>>>> 由美子(Jane) Dear Jane:   I should be very happy if you could come to lunch with me on birthday.   The roses are doing very well right now. It’ll be nice to sit out in the garden and eat.   Do please try to come.                      Your friends,                       Maria(佐藤)

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