六年级作六年级写景作文:My Hometown

My hometown is form Chaozhou.There is (are) a clear and long river and (some) marry natural parks in my hometown.There are lots of fishes and all kinds of stones in (the) river.Flowers and grassgrown on both banks of it.They are red,yellow,green,blue and white.In these natural parks,there are (some) big and tall trees.Some trunks have holes.In the holes,little animals live in them 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn.There are (some)strange stones,wild flowers in the parks.All these form a beautiful picture of nature. 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  I like my hometown ont (not)only for (the)beautiful scene,but also for the people there.They are very kind and laborious. My hometown is beautiful,but it is (still)poor now.I study harder now.I can make my hometown richer and more beautiful in future.   [要注意冠词的使用,无论是定冠词还是不定冠词]

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