
You might have seen alpacas in grassland or in the television. However, how do you know about these seemingly kind and friendly animal with long, thin legs and within many fur? How exactly do we describe great alpacas appearance? Where do they live? How long can they live up to and what problems they face? If you are curious about these, hold your breath and prepared to read.Appearance:  Alpacas look like sheep but their legs and neck are much longer than sheep. Alpacas also look like camels but they don't have humps. They have some big teeth at the front and big eyes. Their bodies are very strong and they grew for about one meter. It is amazing!Habbitat:  Alpacas are originally from Peru. They live in Andes of Southern Peru, Northern Bolivia, Ecuador and Northern Chile at on altitude of 3500 m to 5000 m. Alpacas live in high-mountain places. They Require much less food than most animals of their size. they eat approximately two pounds per 125 pounds of body weight per day. Alpacas preferably short grass or hay. they chew like cows and sheep.

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