六年级作六年级状物作文:Fantastic Animals奇异的动物(翻译)

小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  What dad has babies? 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  什么动物的爸爸生宝宝?   Normally, mother animals have the babies or eggs. But sea horses are different. The father has the babies inside him. Hundreds of baby sea horses come out of a hole in his body.   通常,动物妈妈生宝宝或者生蛋。但是,海马却不同,爸爸的体内生宝宝,许许多多的海马宝宝从他的身体上的一个孔里生产出来。   Sea horses are fish, but their heads look like horses.   海马是鱼,但是它们的头看起来像马。   Why do rabbits have big ears?   为什么兔子有一双大耳朵?   Rabbits have very big ears.They can hear very, very, well.They can hear dangerous animals and then run away.The big ears also stop them being hot.   兔子有一双很大的耳朵,能听非常非常远的声音。当它们听见有危险的动物来了,就立马逃跑。大耳朵也能给它们挡热。   Why do birds have feathers?   为什么鸟有羽毛?   Birds have feathers to make them warm and dry. They also help birds to fly.   鸟用羽毛给自己保暖和保持干燥,羽毛也帮鸟飞翔。   How long do turtles live?   海龟能活多长时间?   Turtles can live for a very long time. Some are more than two hundred years old.   海龟能活非常长的时间,有的活过两百年。   Are spiders insects?   蜘蛛是昆虫吗?   Spiders are not insects.Insects have got six legs and spiders have got eight.   蜘蛛不是昆虫,昆虫有六条腿,而蜘蛛却有八条腿。

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