六年级作六年级叙事作文:A Chinese girl in London

A Chinese girl is traveling in London, England. It’s 12 o’clock now. She is very hungry. She goes to a restaurant for lunch. She wants to have a piece of bread, a glass of milk and two eggs. But she can’t speak English very much. And she forgets the English word “egg”. Look! Here comes the waitress. Waitress: Hello, what can I do for you? 小荷作文网 www.zww.cnW: I’d like a piece of bread, a glass of milk and, and …… 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn(Suddenly she finds a magazine on the table nearby. On the cover, there is a picture of a cock. She takes the magazine before the waitress.) W: Excuse me, what’s this in English? (She is pointing to the cock) Waitress: A cock. W: What do you call a cock’s wife? Waitress: A hen. W: And what do you call a hen’s children? Waitress: Chickens. W: what do you call chickens before they’re hatched? Waitress: Eggs. W: Well, well. That’s great. A piece of bread, a glass of milk and two eggs, please. Waitress: Ok, just wait a minute. W: Thank you very much. Waitress: You’re welcome.                中文翻译             一个中国小女孩在伦敦   一个中国小女孩正在英国伦敦旅行。现在,中午12点了,她非常饿。她来到一个饭馆,想吃一片面包、一杯牛奶和两个鸡蛋。可是她的英语不是很好,她又忘记了“鸡蛋”这个英语单词。看!女服务员来啦! 女服务员:你好,请问要吃点什么? 小女孩:我想来一片面包,一杯牛奶和,和…… (忽然,她看见餐桌上有一本杂志,封面上有一幅公鸡的图案,她把杂志拿到女服务员面前。) 小女孩:打扰一下,请问这个用英语怎么读? 女服务员:公鸡。  小女孩:你怎么称呼公鸡的妻子? 女服务员:母鸡。  小女孩:那母鸡的孩子呢? 女服务员:小鸡。  小女孩:小鸡出生以前呢? 女服务员:鸡蛋。  小女孩:对,对,非常好。我想要一片面包,一杯牛奶和两个鸡蛋。(带着满足的神情) 女服务员:好的,请稍等一下。  小女孩:谢谢。 女服务员:不用谢, 这是我应该做的。

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