六年级作六年级叙事作文:Militay training

At the beginning of the new term,we look part in the military training .I thought the most difficult thing was to "stand'' on the play- ground of the military camp .In the sun,we were simply roasting .Iseemed   小荷作文网 www.zww.cnto stand on a flaming iromn.military training wes hard .Wewere wet through and through,but everyone stood there quietly .Our legs were numb from standing,but on one moved ,neither did I asked myself ,"How long can I persist ?'The only answer was "persist 'Whem the commander told us ,we had  小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cnstood for an hour .we couldn't believe our ears .  翻译:   新学期一开始,我们就参加军训.我觉得军训期间最难得的事就是"站军姿'了.在阳光下,我们热及了,............

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