
孩子们,下午好。Good afternoon, boys and girls.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
欢迎参加迎春会。 Welcome to our Spring Show.  
我会飞。我会唱歌。我会跳。我会跑。I can fly. I can sing. I can jump. I can run.  
我是什么?What am I?  
大家好。Hello, everyone.  
我喜欢阳光。我也喜欢雨露。I like the sun. I like rain, too.  
我是一朵花。I’m a flower.  
我是一棵树。I’m a tree.  
我是一只蜜蜂。 I’m a bee.  
我很高。我很壮。I’m tall. I’m strong.  
我们喜欢春天。 We love spring.  
他有一顶帽子。He has a hat.  
它是一顶魔法帽。It’s a magic hat.  
这是什么?What’s this?  
是只脚。它很小。It’s a foot. It’s small.  
是条腿。它很长。It’s a leg. It’s long.  
是只手。是棕色的。It’s a hand. It’s brown.  
是只耳朵!圆圆的。It’s an ear! It’s round.  
是只猴子。它真可爱!It’s a monkey. It’s cute!  
这是埃米的一家。This is Amy’s family.  
这是埃米的爸爸。This is Amy’s father.  
我有一只玩具娃娃和一只泰迪熊。I have a doll and a teddy bear.  
你可以帮我吗?Can you help me?  
这是我的椅子。This is my chair.  
这是我的电扇。This is my fan.  
看看这只箱子。它非常大。Look at this box! It’s very big.  
这是我的床。它是蓝色的。This is my bed. It’s blue.  
这是我的新房间。This is my new room.  
有张桌子。有把椅子。There’s a table. There’s a chair.  
我累了。我很高兴。I’m tired. I’m happy.  
看那天空。Look at the sky.  
看那片云。Look at that cloud.  
我不喜欢雨。I don’t like rain.  
我想要我的雨衣。I want my raincoat.  
我想要我的雨伞。I want my umbrella.  
伞上有个洞。It has a hole.  
淋湿了。It’s wet.  
我来帮你。I can help you.  
看那太阳。Look at the sun.  
现在云散了。There are no clouds now.  
我能看到很多颜色。I can see lots of colours.  
那是彩虹。That’s a rainbow.  
我们也是彩虹了!We’re a rainbow, too!  
请给我点色拉,好吗?May I have some salad, please?  
给你米饭。 Here’s the rice.  
米饭真香!The rice is nice  
给你点牛奶。Here’s some milk.  
我喜欢小甜饼。I like cookies.  
我爱吃果冻。I like jelly.  
我喜欢红色的果冻。I like red jelly.  
我现在不饿了。I’m not hungry now.  
你饿吗?Are you hungry?  
农夫布朗有一头牛。Farmer Brown has a cow.  
它的名字叫妙奇。Its name is Milky.  
给你吃些草。Here’s some grass for you.  
我的最爱! My favourite!  
农夫布朗给了妙奇一些草。Farmer Brown gives Milky some grass.  
妙奇喜欢吃草。Milky likes the grass.  
给你吃条鱼。Here’s a fish for you.  
是给我的。It’s for me!  
我也想要点吃的。I want some food, too.  
还有很多草给你吃。 There’s lots of grass for you, too.  
真好吃。This is delicious.  
请给我也吃点。Feed me, too, please.  
这是农夫布朗的小狗。This is Farmer Brown’s little dog.  
乔治也想要点吃的。George wants some food, too.  
给你根美味的骨头。Here’s a tasty bone.  
热死了。我也饿了。It’s hot. I’m hungry, too.  
我想吃点东西。I want to eat something.  
我吃什么呢?What can I eat?  
你可以吃我的草。You can have my grass.  
动物们都把自己的食物给农夫布朗吃。The animals give Farmer Brown their food.  
骨头才是最好吃的。Bones are the best!  
我不想要你们的食物。I don’t want your food.  
我想吃个冰淇淋!I want an ice cream!  
请给我点喝的好吗?May I have a drink, please?  
她可以喝一杯水。She can drink a glass of water.  
我不能在这个池子里游泳了。I can’t swim in this pool.  
他现在可以再水池里游泳了。He can swim in the pool, now.  
我爱踢球。我可不喜欢泥浆。I love football. I don’t like mud.  
鲍勃很脏。Bob is dirty.  
他可以洗个热水澡。He can take a bath in warm water.  
等一下。Just wait a minute.  
我在淘米。I’m washing the rice.  
他们可以用水烧饭。They can cook the rice with water.  
花儿晒干了。The flower is dry.  
下雨了。It’s raining.  
花儿又可以生长了。The flower can grow now.  
看看我的红雨伞。Look at my red umbrella.  
我都湿了。I’m wet.  
我的手被弄湿了。My hand is wet.  
到处都是水。There’s water everywhere.  
我可以在雨里跑。I can run in the rain.  
雨在唱歌。It’s a rain song.  
孩子们都在玩水。The children can play with the water.  
今天是维妮的生日派对。Today is Winnie’s birthday party.  
有好多吃的给她的朋友们。There’s lots of food for all her friends.  
一开始,他们玩各种游戏。First they play lots of games.  
看我!我喜欢跳舞。Look at me! I like dancing.  
玛丽在起居室里跳舞。Mary’s dancing in the living room.  
她最会跳舞了。She’s good at dancing.  
乔喜欢跑步。Joe likes running.  
他正在院子里跑。He’s running in the yard.  
乔穿着他最喜欢的跑步鞋。Joe’s wearing his favourite running shoes.  
山姆,别摔着。Don’t fall, Sam.    
山姆喜欢在花园里跳远。Sam likes jumping in the park.  
这一跳可真远。That’s a long jump.  
他能跳得很远。He can jump a long way.  
她也很会跳。She’s good at jumping, too.  
她在上下地跳。She’s jumping up and down.  
我们吃蛋糕吧。Let’s eat the cake.  
求你现在就切吧。Please cut it now.  
现在,他们在维妮的屋子里。Now, they’re inside Winnie’s house.  
维妮的朋友们都饿了。Winnie’s friends are hungry.  
这只蛋糕真好看。This cake is lovely.  
我不想切了它。I don’t want to cut it.  
维妮正看着她的蛋糕。Winnie’s looking at her cake.  
多棒的一个生日啊! What a wonderful birthday!

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