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Micky: Wow! How many gears?  
Wendy: Plenty. This Bike can go places that your bikes can’t. It’s the best.  
Trevor: 《whispers to Wendy》 Do you think you can handle it, Wendy?  
Wendy: I’ll be fine. I’ll soon get the hang of it. 《Wendy wobbles and giggles on the bike.》 What brings you kids here?  
Sam: I got all these notes sending me all over town.  
Wendy: Who sent them>  
Sam: Who knows? 《shrugs》  
Wendy: Maybe the ad on that pole is for you too, Sam.  
Sam: What ad?  
Molly: The one that says “There’s no place like home.”  
Sam: OK that’s it. I’m going back to my house.  
Trevor: We’ll come with you. 《All the kids nod and follow Sam.》  
Scene Six: Sam’s House  
Narrator: All the kids go to Sam’s house. His mom and dad meet them.  
Dad: What brings you all here?  
Sam: A bunch of notes that got me back where I started. Look at these. 《Sam gives dad the notes.》  
Dad: Go here, go there, retrace, return. Well, they kept you on the run. They gave us time to get set, too.  
Sam: Get set for what?  
Mom: Your surprise party! Is one here? 《She counts heads.》 Perfect. We’re all set. One, two, three…  
All: Happy birthday Sam!  
《2013-4-18 21:47:53》  
2013年4月17日 星期三  
Sam: 《frowning》 Let me rethink this.  
Trevor: Good plan. I don’t think Molly did it.  
Molly: By the way, there’s a note for you taped to the window.  
Sam: 《shocked》 What?  
Molly: That sheet of paper has your name on it.  
Trevor: Read it to us, Sam.  
Sam: It says “Retrace your steps. Go back across town to the concert hall.”  
Molly: I’ll come with you.  
Scene Four: The Concert Hall  
Narrator: Sam, Trevor, and Molly got to the concert hall and stopped on the steps. A classmate named Micky whizzed by on his skates. He almost caused a crash when he stopped. He had some objects in a bag.  
Micky: Hi, kids!  
Sam: Hi, Micky! You didn’t send me a note telling me to come here, did you?  
Micky: No, but I’m glad you’re here. A man gave me this leaflet. He said to give it to you.  
Sam: Let me see that. 《He takes the leaflet.》  
Molly: Read it.  
Sam: It says “Be a sport. Go to the Bike Shop.”  
Trevor: I don’t get it. This is nuts!  
Sam: Off we go again!  
Micky: I’ll come with you.  
Scene Five: The Bike Shop  
Narrator: Sam, Trevor, Molly, and Micky went to the Bike Shop. Outside the kids ran into Wendy. She was picking up a brand new bike.  
Sam: Nice bike, Wendy!

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