五年级作五年级叙事作文:a student in charge of english study

Dear teacher, dear students:  Hello, everybody! 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn In this campaign, I ran for the office is English Section. In the class organizations, representatives of English subjects, mainly from the learning of English is essential to the role. 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn I had a habit of English, a grade, I Bureau of self-learning A, B, C, D and other letters written in 26, second grade my father let me go to private tuition in English, to the third grade, is learning English grade, I hear the more serious class of the. To the fifth grade my English is quite good.  If I win the election, I will help students to learn English, because English is the world's major languages, if someone went to England, not English how and foreigners say hello. So I would relatively poor English language classes for our students that look to improve his English grades.  So, please believe me, vote for my valuable vote, I will dry good!(尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:  大家好!  在此次竞选活动中,我竞选的职位是英语科。在班级组织中,英语科代表,主要是对英语学习方面起这至关重要是作用。  我从小就喜欢英语,一年级开始,我局自学A、B、C、D等26个字母的写法,二年级开始爸爸就让我去补习英语,到了三年级,正是学英语的年级,我上课时听的更认真了。到了五年级我的英语相当的好。  如果我竞选成功,我将帮助同学们学好英语,因为英语是世界的重要语言,如果有人到英国去了,不会英语怎么和外国人打招呼。所以我会为我们班英语比较差的同学说一下,提高他的英语成绩。  所以,请大家相信我,投给我宝贵的一票,我一定会干好的!)

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