五年级作五年级写人作文:My Lovely Brother

My Lovely Brother    My little brother name is Zhao Xubing , this year is two year ole . He is my aunt family’s child . Bingbing and grandmother lives in Louyang . As soon as has free , I go to call on grandmother , and I can see him . 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn   Bingbing round cheek growth brijht intelligent and big eyer , as soon as wanks , on small mouth is always hanging the sweet smile , his sound is aiso crisp and resonant ,he is extremely lovable . 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn   One time , Bingbing did not have the matter in grandmother’s family , and saw my mobile . Then he put on nearby the ear and sald “daddy , daddy ” .I saw him and : “fool , where is your father ? ” He hit me , probably did not let me say that he resembled . During Olympic Games peiod , everywhere s propagandizes Olympic Games , and Bingbing is not exceptional . He frequently takes the small flag in his hand and singsing “ Beijing welcome you . ” When he arrives at the avenue , and see many human , he shuot’s “ Beijing refue ! ”“Olympic Games refue ! ”    Although he doesn’t know that what is Olympic Games , it manifested his as a little citizen deeply loved to the motheland and deeply loved to Olympic Games .

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