

A bashful dog never fattens.害羞的狗养不胖。(bashful:害羞的)

A beggar can never be bankrupt,乞丐永远不会破产。

A beggar ' s purse is a I ways empty.乞弓存不住钱。

A borrowed loan should come laughing home.向人借贷应微笑返还。(借钱乐还,再借不难)。 读书笔记

A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.宁为清贫,不为法富。 内容来自

A covetous man does nothing that he should till he dies,贪娶之人,死后方尽其义务。

A covetous man is good to none, but worst to himself,贪娶之人,对人无益,对己更损。 读后感

A covetous woman deserves a swindling gallant,贪娶女郎的绝配就是负心汉。

A fool and his money are soon parted,傻子存不了钱。 内容来自

A heavy purse makes a light heart,钱袋沉甸甸,人就轻飘。

A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich,的黑羊比富人的牛更珍贵。

A light purse makes a heavy heart.?中无钱心事重。

A man does not wander far from where his corn is roast i ng.人不会远离财富的来源。 内容来自

A man has no more goods then he has good of.只有享用财富,才算真正拥有财舍田。 读后感

A man may love his house we I I without riding on the ridge.有宝何必人前夸。

A man without money is a bow without an arrow.人无钱,犹如弓无箭。 读后感

A man without money is no man at all. 一分钱难倒英雄汉。

A man’ s wealth is his enemy,财富是人之患也。

A miserly father makes a prodigal son.爱钱命的父亲生挥金士口土的儿子。 (prodigal:挥金如土的,挥霍的)。

A money I ess man goes fast through the market,穷人一下就能逛完市场。

A monkey never thinks her baby’ s ugly,反义词,猴子不会嫌自己的孩子丑。

A penny saved is a penny earned/ga i ned,省钱就是赚钱。 读后感

A rich man’ s joke is a I ways funny.富人的笑话总是好笑。

A throne is only a bench covered with velvet,王座不过是一把?盖着天鹅绒的椅子。(velvet:丝绒,天鹅绒)。 读书笔记

An avaricious man is a I ways needy.贪娶的人总是贫困的。(avaricious:贪娶的,贪心的)

An i I I win penny will cast down a pound,不义之财取分文,后必失财以两计。

Avarice blinds our eyes.财迷心2f。 (avarice:贪娶,贪心)

Avarice increases with wealth,越富越贪。

Bashful ness is an enemy to poverty.害羞是贫穷的大敌。

Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself,能耐富便能安贫。

Before gold, even kings take off their hats.有钱能使鬼推磨。

Beg from beggars and you’ I I never be rich,向乞弓乞讨,永远发不了财。 读后感

Beggar’ s bags are bottomless,乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。(乞丐不嫌钱多)。

Better go to bed supper I ess than rise in debt.宁可饿肚子,切莫举债台。

Borrowing is not much better than begging.借钱无异于行乞。

By gambling we lose both time and treasure, two things most precious to the life of man.赌博浪费人生最珍贵的两样东西:时间和金钱。

Cheats never prosper,骗人发不了财。

Cheek brings success.和气生财。

Clogs to clogs in three generations,富不过三代。

Covet a I I and lose all.贪多必失。 读后感

Creditors have better memories than debtors.债主的记性总是比欠债的好。

Death pays a I I debts. 一死百债了。 读后感

Debt is better than death.举债总比死掉好。

Do not run too fast after gain,不要见利就拼命追逐。

Do not seek dishonest gains, dishonest gains are losses.不义之财不可贪;贪来之财易失去。

Fortune is a woman; if you neglect her today do not expect to regain her tomorrow,财富就像女人,今日失去不可能明天就回来。 读书笔记

From saving comes having.富有源自节俭。 读书笔记

Frugality is an estate alone,节俭就是一笔财产。(frugality:节俭;俭朴)。 Get what you can and keep what you have; that' s the way to get rich.开源 节流是迈向富裕之道。

Give and spend, and God will send.千金散尽还复来。 读后感

Giving much to the poor, does enrich a man, s store.施物济贫,能得财富。//积善多福。

Glory, honour, wealth, and rank,such things are nothing but shadows.富贵如浮云。

Going to law is losing a cow for the sake of a cat.为了一只猫闹上衙门,会多赔上一头牛。

Gold has more worshippers than God,拜金的人多过拜神的人。


Gold is the dust that blinds a I I eyes.黄金会使人变得盲目。// 财迷心窍。 读书笔记

Gold will not buy anything/everything.黄金并非万能。

Goods are theirs that enjoy them,能享受财产的人,才是财产的主人。


Happy is he who owes nothing.无债一身轻。

He is rich enough who owes nothing.无债就是富。

He that borrows binds himself with his neighbor' s rope.向人借钱无异于借绳自缚。 读书笔记

He that gains we I I and spends we I I needs no account book.收支正当,毋须记账。


He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing.有债便有愁。 读后感

He that has a full purse never wants a friend,袋里有钱,不愁无友。

He who buys what he does not need will often need what he cannot buy.平时胡乱买,需时无钱买。 读书笔记

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