
2016年中考英语作文预测:难忘的一天  导语:如何提高中考英语作文成绩?要多读多写多积累。小编收集了以下文章,希望对大家的中考英语复习有所帮助。   A memorable day  It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.  We got there at nine o clock. Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.  The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The studentsin Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist. They also cleaned the benches in the park. I was in Group Three. We went to the children s playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard.  At about eleven we finished working. We met at the gate of the park. We all felt tired but very happy.  这是星期日。我们的'老师朱先生LED我们去附近的公园。通常我们去公园度过我们的假期。但是今天我们去那里参加义务劳动。  我们九点到达那里。朱老师把我们分成三组,然后我们开始工作。  学生们在一组种树、浇花。第二组的学生忙着收集垃圾留下的游客。他们还清理了公园的长椅。我是在三组。我们去了儿童游乐场、清洁所有的设备。我们工作很努力。  大约在十一点我们完成的工作。我们在公园门口。我们都感到很累,但很快乐。【2016年中考英语作文预测:难忘的一天】相关文章:1.难忘的一天中考英语作文素材2.中考英语话题预测作文3.中考英语作文预测范例4.中考英语话题作文预测5.2017中考英语作文预测6.难忘的一天英语作文7.中考英语话题作文预测题目以及范文8.2018中考英语作文预测范文

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