
关于我的梦想英语作文80字  梦想,是人类进步的源头和基础;梦想,是个人成功的起点和动力;梦想,是一对美丽的翅膀,它能让我们飞向蓝天,下面就是小编收集的英语作文, 供大家参考!  我的梦想英语作文(1)  Many, many of my dreams.  Do a monopoly, for example, have the ability to all over the world. When a pilot, driving warhawk fly the blue sky. To become a super teacher, filled with the whole country  But my biggest dream is to be a scientist, the construction of Mars spacecraft, send the human to play there. Because there is the highest mountain in the solar system - Mount Olympus. More than three times the altitude of mount Everest, is well worth a look.  Maybe someone will ask, manned spacecraft to Mars is the dream of many people, but so far no success stories, you actually said to establish a base on Mars for his age, not asking for the moon.  No, I don't think so. Although, I now age is still small, someone will just as I am in talk big, but I believe that if you have a dream in the heart, not afraid of human speech, strive for towards it, there will be hope of success.  Previously, the Wright brothers want to build a plane, laughed at, they say: "don't waste mind, this is impossible!" But as a result, the Wright brothers succeeded, created the world's first unpowered glide plane. The Wright brothers is so afraid of failure, finally realized his dream. I'm not afraid of difficulties, the courage to explore, to realize their dreams.  我的梦想很多很多。  比如,做一个大富翁,有能力游遍全世界。当一位飞行员,驾驶战鹰翱翔蓝天。成为一名特级教师,桃李满天下  但我最大的梦想是当科学家,研究建造火星飞船,把人类送到那里游玩。因为那里有太阳系最高的山--奥林匹斯山。高度是珠穆朗玛峰的三倍多,非常值得一看。  也许有人会问,载人航天器登陆火星的.确是许多人的梦想,但至今未有成功的事例,你小小年纪竟然说建立一个火星基地,别异想天开了。  不,我就不这样认为。虽然,我现在年纪尚小,有人会义为我是在说大话,但是我相信,如果你心中有梦想,不畏人言,朝着它为之奋斗,就会有成功的希望。  以前,莱特兄弟想造一架飞机,别人嘲笑他们说:“别荒废心神了,这是根本不可能的事!”可结果呢,莱特兄弟成功了,造出了世界上第一架无动力滑翔飞机。莱特兄弟就是这样不怕失败,终于实现了自己的梦想。我要不怕困难,勇于探索,实现自己的梦想。  我的梦想英语作文(2)  My heart don't know how many times have such idea: to become a the excellent special-class teacher like grandma. Because whenever teachers' day comes, see many, many from all directions, all classmates. I will not envy: if I am also a good special-class teacher it would be great!  In order to realize my ideal, I'll be the first to study hard and make progress, strive for to go to a good school. In the classroom, I like hunger, such as thirst in the ocean of knowledge to learn all kinds of knowledge, in the library, carefully looking at a book and a book. Do your homework at home, conscientious, steady groundwork, feet on the ground.  Although in real life I'm just an ordinary primary school students, but in the dream, I have is an excellent superfine teacher. I have a dream: on the first day I came into the classroom, the students neat bunch of sitting, there are a bunch of beautiful flowers on the podium, also wearing a red note above, red note that read: "teacher, you are welcome." At this point I am extremely touched. Then I was in the mood to tell everyone about the lesson again. Finished class, the students to analyze, analysis is done I then asked: "did you understand?" The students said the 332 both understand and did not understand. I affectionately said: "don't understand, it doesn't matter, the teacher tell you again, as long as you listen to will understand." Play games together with students in their spare time, go outside and play with my classmates on Sunday, in the vast blue sky at school to more and better knowledge.  I'm sure I this ideal will come true.  我的心里不知有过多少次这样的想法:成为一名和外婆一样的优秀特级教师。因为每当教师节来临时看到许许多多来自四面八方,五湖四海的同学祝福。我就不由地羡慕起来:如果我也是一位优秀特级教师该有多好呀!  为了实现我的理想,我首先要好好学习,不断进步,争取考上好学校。在教室里,我如饥如渴般在知识的海洋里吸取各种知识,在图书馆里,仔仔细细地看着一本又一本的书。在家里,认认真真写作业,稳打基础,脚踏实地不断进步。  虽然在现实生活中我只是一名普通的小学生,但在梦里,我已是一位优秀的特级教师了。我梦想着:我第一天走进教室时,同学们端端正正的坐着,讲台上放着一束美丽的鲜花,上面还系着一张红纸条,红纸条上写着:“老师,欢迎您。”此时我感动万分。接着我便怀着激动的心情给大家讲了一遍课。讲完课后,给同学们分析起来,分析完了我便问:“大家有没有听懂?”同学们三三两两地说懂了和没懂。我又亲切地说:“没听懂,没关系,老师再给你们讲一遍,只要大家认真听一定会听懂的。”在课余时间和同学们一起做游戏,在星期天和同学们一起去郊外玩,在广阔的蓝天下学到更多更好的知识。  我相信我这个理想一定会实现。【关于我的梦想英语作文80字】相关文章:1.关于我的梦想的英语作文2.属于我的梦想英语作文范文3.关于我的梦想英语作文精选4.2016关于我的梦想的英语作文5.属于我的梦想的英语作文范文6.2016关于我的梦想英语作文(精品)7.关于我的梦想英语作文100词8.关于我的梦想英语作文80词

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