
In life, there are many things is not too care about, such as power, fame, wealth, power, right, position, a variety of. These things, the more you have, the more care, the more worried; involved. While some things, we must care about. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cnHealth is to care, illness and death, although only the calm and to face and accept, but health is much by people to grasp their own, for health, do not think that will be able to exercise, do not think that supplements can exchange, don't even think the medicine can help. Health and so on, now we should attach importance to. Just imagine, if you are resourceful, your body, your way up; but, soon mental, how can you finish, do the things you want to do? In a word;" the world without me, in fact, no; but I lost myself, what is left?  Relatives to care, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, children, these people and we have the pure blood of the parents. It is this special relationship, let love become the greatest of our lifetime can rely on capital, and always can receive and enjoy. A man surrounded by family, even if the material is very poor, living is peace of mind, happiness, satisfaction. And don't care about their loved ones, or even abandon their loved ones, is tantamount to losing nature, devoid of conscience, it is poor and pathetic.  A friend is to care about. Although no relatives, but it must be lived, it can not be friends. Because out of the door, muddy, traps, peer friends, will have a helper, have courage, much hope. A true friend, good friend, is the greatest happiness of life. Care about friends, crossroads is a way, wrong way they tirelessly counsel, a situation is someone around to help, fall when someone sincerely assisted.  Of course, life care about many things. But, anyway, health, family, friends, character and value should be in front of you care about the things, only care about, just know love, know how to Thanksgiving, know how to give, to understand the meaning of life.

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