
Raining outside, water hit the window, I silently to nest in bed. "Beep, beep, beep beep!" the information from the" novel saw?" I responded" well, quite good." I picked up the novel, looked at the layout, noble prince meet the poor princess. Oh, how beautiful, how warm the map ah. I felt a warmth. How the novel heroine of her, so beautiful? I don't feel this world a little better! I'd rather be her. This world has no significance, what love shaking heaven and earth? What family tears? Everything is nothing! I picked up the novel to the street, the rain soaked my clothes, without an umbrella to shelter me … …  小荷作文网 www.zww.cn窗外下着雨,水打到玻璃上,我静静地窝在被窝里。"嘀,嘀,嘀嘀!”月儿发信息过来“小说看了吗?”我回应“嗯,蛮好看的。”我拿起小说,望了望版面,贵族王子巧遇穷公主。呵,多美好,多温馨的图啊。我感觉到一丝温暖。怎么小说里女主角的她,那么美好?我感觉不到这个世界的一丝美好!我宁愿成为她。这世界已经没有什么意义了,什么爱惊天动地?什么亲情泪?神马都是浮云!我拿起小说来街上走,雨水淋湿了我的衣服,没有一把伞为我遮风挡雨…… 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn

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